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COP26 “Sustainable Aviation”

As the UK hosts COP26 in Glasgow in October/November 2021, we thought we might share some useful content to balance the aviation sector’s intentionally misleading narrative on ‘Sustainable Aviation’. A UK Parliamentary debate in September 2021 on Decarbonising Aviation identified that in 2010 the aviation industry pledged to be using 10% SAFs (Sustainable Aviation Fuels) […]

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Heathrow Statutory Consultation on the third runway – closes 13th September 2019

The featured image compares the noise environment for 2013 2 runway and 2035 3 runway. The critical issue for Englefield Green and Virginia Water is that the 2013 (blue line) flight path that now flies over Staines (26% of all Heathrow departures on the Detling route) is moved by the time the 3rd runway opens […]

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Heathrow ACP for Compton easterly departures – for the first ever, permanent concentrated PBN route possible over Englefield Green

Key Points Heathrow have submitted an ACP (Airspace Change Proposal)2 to the CAA to implement, by 2022, the very first ever permanent PBN (Precision Based Navigation) route, out of Heathrow, on the easterly Compton departure route, affecting Englefield Green, Egham, Virginia Water, etc. The existing Compton SID (Standard Instrument Departure), see Fig. 1, has not been flown for […]

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Heathrow Airspace and Future Operations Consultation

Consultation (closes 4th March 2019) details are here: https://afo.heathrowconsultation.com/ EGAG have produced some suggestions for responding – a summary response and a fuller response. Or pick up a printed copy with freepost envelope at Smiths in St Judes Road, Genevieve’s and The Village Centre in Victoria Street or The Happy Man public house in Harvest […]

Government ministers expected to vote today to approve 3rd runway vote in Parliament

Mrs May’s ministerial sub-committee on Heathrow expansion,  which Philip Hammond our MP is a member, is expected to vote in favour of presenting the Revised National Policy Statement (Heathrow expansion) to Parliament. Given the recent rail debacles that the Secretary of State for Transport Chris Grayling has presided over, with many from both sides of […]

Transport Select Committee – 3rd runway report out today

The Transport Select Committee (TSC) published its report on the 3rd runway, today 23 March 2018, scrutinising the DfT’s Revised National Policy Statement. The TSC has taken oral and written evidence challenging and expanding on the DfT’s biased work. The report backs a third runway at Heathrow but has come up with some challenging conditions […]

Heathrow Consultation: Roadshow in Englefield Green: Wednesday 14 February, 12pm-8pm: The Village Centre, Victoria Street, ENGLEFIELD GREEN TW20 0QX

Introduction Heathrow is promoting two consultations simultaneously, one in relation to Airport Expansion (new runway and terminal infrastructure); the other in respect of Airspace Principles (changes to airspace and flight paths to accommodate the new runway). The consultation documents can be found at www.heathrowconsultation.com The deadline for responses is 28 March 2018. Status of consultations […]

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