Thanks to everyone who gathered on Englefield Green at 7.30am to demonstrate against Heathrow expansion and the proposed additional 700 planes that will fly in and out of Heathrow every day should a 3rd runway go ahead.
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PH Meeting 31/3
Meeting Presentation slides here Press release from EGAG – (Englefield Green Action Group) 3rd April 2017 For immediate use The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Phillip Hammond, advises village not to be complacent on Heathrow. At a packed public meeting on Friday evening (31 March), local MP Phillip Hammond told an audience of over 300 constituents that […]
Heathrow expansion meeting with Philip Hammond in EG, 31/3
Remember what is was like during the airspace trials of 2014? What’s coming our way could be much worse and have a far-reaching impact. Book your place at this important meeting now and have a say in your future. We’re expecting this meeting to be well-attended so book your space now through Eventbrite (below) or […]
Have your say

Image used under license from IMPORTANT meeting next Monday 20th all day at The Hythe Centre, Thorpe Road, Staines TW18 3HD. Please make every effort to attend and HAVE YOUR SAY. Click for full schedule and details heathrow-expansion-have-your-say
Philip Hammond to attend meeting in EG
There will be a meeting (organised and funded by EGAG) in EG on Friday 31/3 to outline the impact of Heathrow expansion on EG; Philip Hammond will be attending for Q & A. You will remember that PH previously promoted the ‘Gatwick’ option but is now in line with government thinking which has given Heathrow […]
EGAG meet with MP Philip Hammond
Briefly: 5 Englefield Action Group members plus Surrey Councillor Marisa Heath met with Philip Hammond in EG last night. He gave us over an hour and a half of his time during which we spoke about our concerns re his change of position; ensuring the ‘robust safeguards of the Davies report’; noise affecting the village; […]
Expansion receives the green light
On Tuesday we heard the news that we were expecting (although it didn’t make it any easier), when Heathrow expansion was given the go-ahead. As you will know that means an increase of 260,000 flights a year to 740,000 (incidentally, Heathrow has already applied for an increase to the current 480,000 legal cap to to […]
Time to take action
Over the last few years Englefield Green has found itself under ‘new’ flight paths as routes that have been used for years have nudged towards us** Should Heathrow expansion be given the green light the prospects for Englefield Green, in terms of further noise and air pollution (amongst other things), are dire. It was recently […]
An infographic created to show the impact of Heathrow expansion on our village. Feel free to share with friends, family, neighbours and EG villagers. Have a peaceful Easter break.
Davies commission maps
Those who attended the rally in EG yesterday were truly shocked to see copies of maps from the Davies report with suggested flight paths, based on a three runway configuration. The prospect for EG is truly dire. To see the maps, visit the home page of our site or use this link: You may […]
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